Those Hidden Ice Skating Spots

ice skating

I was inspired last night. Sometimes you just watch something that really tugs at the strings of the heart, and also the imagination? The imagination heart-strings, you know the ones. Anyway, I was watching Incredibly Long and Dumb Robot Movie from legendary direction Mikey Ray, and I suddenly thought…people in Melbourne don’t know how to have a good time!

Yeah, I know those don’t seem all that connected. Maybe I just saw a building get knocked down and my imagination sort of just ran away with me. But I thought…what if one of those buildings was an ice skating rink? In the Melbourne docklands, the fun capital of the entire state?? It wasn’t, because the movie was suddenly moved to China for no good reason with all these Chinese people rushing around…I mean, sure, China is great. But it just seemed a bit out of left field.

Ahh, it doesn’t matter. I just had an idea for a coffee table book, one that truly highlighted Melbourne’s ultimate fun spots, where you can go to have any kind of fun you like! So if you were into ice skating, you could go and have fun doing that. Or if you were into having a quiet drink with friends in one of those bars lit by all the yellow light, then that’s fine too. We could even cater to the more…selective tastes. You know what I mean. We’re not going to judge, but…if people are really into their Jig-Jig-Uprising, then they can dance the night away on those funny little boards with all the coloured arrows. Oh, teenagers and their funny ways of occupying their time. But yeah, not judging This will be a coffee table book that caters to all sorts of fun, both active and non-active. It’ll aim to unveil all those secrets, so that even the locals will have no excuse for sitting on their butts on a Saturday night and staring at a screen. There are private function rooms to be found! Take Melbourne party places for a spin, young and old folks!
